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HubSpot Service Hub: The Complete Guide to Customer Retention

Written by Karim Sherief | Aug 29, 2022 4:00:00 AM

According to a 2014 HBR study, it costs between 5 and 25 times more to acquire a new customer than it does to keep existing customers happy. The sales team is dedicated to attracting new prospects, it’s up to the customer service department to retain customers, and more importantly, to keep them loyal. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) focuses on the notion of “relationship”. Without a dedicated customer service department and an efficient CRM, your company risks losing one of its main sources of revenue: customer loyalty and retention. CRM, the tool that manages customer interactions, is ideal for managing customer opinion and feedback to serve both your business and your customers.

The consumer journey does not end with the conversion of a prospect into a customer. That’s why the customer service team is an essential part of any business. The most satisfied customers will always be the best ambassadors for your company. With tools that promote personalization of one-on-one conversations, it’s easier to offer an extra level of attention to customers.

To ensure a great customer experience, it’s important that your CRM has the right tools to:

– Automatically collect customer feedback

– Evaluate the level of satisfaction

– Maintain and manage support request tickets

– Create custom surveys

– Implement chatbots

– Create a knowledge base for customers


This article presents 10 self-assessment questions related to your team’s levels of knowledge, productivity and effectiveness. Answer the questions by assigning a score on a scale of 1 (never) to 5 (always). Once you have completed the questionnaire, add up your scores to evaluate your overall performance.

A score between 0 and 40% means you need to improve alignment between your customer service team and other departments. A score between 41% and 79% indicates poor alignment: you are on the right track, but there is still room for improvement. A score between 80% and 100% indicates strong alignment. Keep up the good work!

Here are the 10 self-assessment questions to ask yourself to ensure that the HubSpot CRM platform and its Service Hub are a good fit for your team:

  1. My team spends at least 2 hours per week in meetings with colleagues outside the department.
  2. My team participates in new service or product announcement meetings.
  3. My team has established a process to share customer case studies with the sales and marketing teams.
  4. My team provides customer service on marketing channels such as social media.
  5. My team regularly passes on content creation ideas.
  6. My team meets with sales leaders to discuss strategies for priority pipelines.
  7. My team collects and shares customer feedback with other teams to improve the customer experience.
  8. My team shares knowledge about customer personas with the marketing team.
  9. My team uses at least one common tool with other teams.
  10. My team has defined performance goals that are aligned with quarterly or annual organizational goals.

And HubSpot is here to help. Happy customers are loyal customers, and loyal customers become your best promoters. A truly customer-centric approach is a core value that every organization should strive for. The customer service team must exceed customer expectations in order to retain customers. Below are several strategies that will help you strengthen alignment within your teams and deliver an exceptional experience to your prospects and customers.  

Schedule frequent meetings

Customer service inputs feed into marketing materials and sales conversations. To strengthen the alliance between these departments, hold frequent meetings to discuss supporting customers throughout their journey.  

Set up a feedback loop

A strategic system for collecting and implementing customer feedback makes your customers feel heard and facilitates the evolution of your products. It involves asking customers to share their feedback, categorizing that feedback, acting on it, and following up with customers who have shared their feedback.  

Organize exclusive client interviews

Conduct a live interview with a customer and invite the entire company to listen. Every department will benefit from these perspectives. As for your customers, not only will they be involved in your product development process, but they will also have the opportunity to be heard.  

Share the net promoter score

In order to ensure successful growth for your company, you need to strengthen your knowledge. Customer satisfaction is a necessary measure of success that every team should have access to. Make sure your customer service team reports on the organization's net referral rate every quarter.  

Compile a collection of information

In Google Drive, Asana, or another project management tool, take the time to create a dedicated space for customer testimonials, statistics, and case studies, among other things. The entire organization needs to be able to access and review these documents to stay on top of what's working and what's not.  

HubSpot's Service Hub is a set of versatile, customer-centric tools integrated with a CRM tool that allows you to expand your customer service through automation and self-service.  

The platform simplifies customer communications with advanced calling features and conversation channel switching. These features give your team the ability to work faster. To avoid friction and wasted time, HubSpot has also modernized its self-service tools. All of these features, along with custom surveys and customer portals will help your team gauge customer sentiment and identify opportunities for growth.

  There are many other reasons to use the HubSpot CRM platform and its 5 hubs. In fact, you can check out our article that mentions the 40 reasons to adopt this CRM platform.