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Choosing HubSpot: 40 reasons to adopt this CRM platform - Parkour3

Written by Parkour3 | Sep 29, 2022 4:00:00 AM

The HubSpot CRM platform has all the tools and integrations you need for marketing, sales, content management, support, and customer service. HubSpot is an inbound marketing, sales, and service software that supports businesses on multiple levels: visitor attraction, lead conversion, and customer retention.

Download the guide Choosing HubSpot : 40 reasons to adopt this CRM platform


Reason 1 : Unify your marketing, sales, and customer service databases and tools to create maximum value (alignment of your sales, marketing, customer service, and support teams).

Having various tools for content, messaging, automation, reporting and data is probably a must for most companies. This step probably comes with its own set of drawbacks. Siloed tools make aligning sales, marketing, and customer service teams more complex. An inflexible technological environment complicates adaptation by making it more difficult. Not to mention that the user experience varies entirely from one tool to the next. Designed for growth, HubSpot provides a single source of truth, making alignment easier and adoption more likely (with its intuitive, uniform user interface). For all your customization needs, having a unified code base gives you many possibilities.


Reason 2 : HubSpot founded the inbound methodology and their entire solution revolves around this philosophy

Over the past decade, the success of inbound marketing has changed the way buyers view marketing and sales processes. However, while marketers have made major behavioral changes, sales strategies simply haven’t moved fast enough.
With HubSpot’s inbound sales methodology, sales reps are able to use their customer information to build strong, mutually beneficial relationships. The new inbound sales methodology focuses on the buyer’s behavior and enables reps to identify opportunities to create value throughout the process and become authentic partners throughout the customer’s buying journey.

Each year, an INBOUND event is organized by HubSpot. The event features a series of conferences related to marketing, sales, and customer service.





Reason 3 : A library of over 200 reports and report templates at your disposal.

HubSpot’s report library includes many templates that can cover a variety of topics, such as website performance or sales metrics.

This library contains both classic reports that can be saved in a list and reports that can be integrated into your personal dashboards. These reports can be customized and sent automatically by email.


Reason 4 : Evaluate all the elements that contribute to the volume of deals closed.

Multi-touch revenue attribution gives marketers credit for the work they do as revenue drivers within their company. The tool gives credit, in the form of closed deal revenue, for every interaction a person had with your brand before becoming a customer. Because we look at more than one interaction, we call this a multi-touch revenue attribution report. Revenue is applied to individual interactions using attribution models.


Reason 5 : A multitude of data that you can manage in a single platform.

Thanks to the various tools now available on the market, it is now possible to control each and every step of a sales process. This is why sales managers must process and analyze a wealth of data. From the percentage of salespeople using a CRM to the rate of customer loyalty to the speed of closing sales, there is a myriad of metrics, reports, and data related to sales effectiveness that can currently be analyzed.

This variety of data can quickly become confusing, especially because of
the sheer volume of data. It becomes difficult to analyze, understand and interpret the data in order to make informed decisions.

To remedy this, focus on the most important information. This will help you understand the trends and their meaning to act more effectively.



Sales Hub 

Close more sales (deals) with the different solutions provided by the Sales Hub.


Reason 6 : Gain autonomy and improve productivity.

HubSpot enhances your productivity with tools and features that simplify your communications. It saves you from having to go back and forth copying and pasting the same redundant elements into your conversations. To do this, email templates and text snippets are available to you. In the same spirit, sequences is a tool that allows you to automate a series of emails and tasks. You queue up all the people you want to contact, then send an email and set a follow-up task to remind you to check if they’ve responded. Sequences take care of it all for you.

Complementing the text snippets, notes, and sequences tools, with HubSpot’s call tool, you’ll be able to communicate with your contacts by making calls directly in HubSpot and log your exchanges right in the contact records. If you wish, you will also be able to record your calls so that you can share or access them later.

At the same time, to limit the manual tasks related to entering data about your contacts, HubSpot offers a connection with Gmail and Outlook for automatic contact creation. In order to centralize exchanges with your contacts, a connection with Google Calendar or Outlook also allows you to synchronize your calendars and have a detailed view of upcoming meetings in your CRM contact records. Eliminate the back and forth of scheduling meetings.

Scheduling appointments should not involve a lot of email exchanges. Give your contacts the ability to schedule their own appointments with HubSpot’s meeting scheduler. This automatically syncs with your Google or Office 365 calendar, so existing and potential customers can always find times that work for them and you.


Reason 7 : More visibility into your Customer Lifetime Value to track your sales data.

Throughout the growth stages of a company, it is necessary to take into account an essential metric. It is called CLV for Customer Lifetime Value. It is an essential decision-making factor that allows a better understanding of customers. By comparing this indicator with the cost of acquiring customers, companies are able to define the time they actually need in order to achieve an optimal return on their investments. Any company that wants to get and keep quality customers needs to know what customer lifetime value is and how to measure it.

CLV accounting meets many challenges in terms of prospecting and consumer loyalty. It allows the company to determine the profitability of marketing operations in order to obtain a return on investment. Secondly, the CLV makes it possible to determine the admissible threshold of customer acquisition costs and to define the most and least profitable customer segments for the company. Finally, this CLV calculation makes it possible to remove blocking points in the customer journey by determining the next actions to be implemented. This can be marketing operations, prospecting, product improvement, or after-sales service expansion.


Reason 8 : Better segmentation of your customer database.

HubSpot offers several solutions that allow you to segment your database. As you already know, the strength of a database lies in the relevance and accuracy of the information it contains. That’s why HubSpot offers a multitude of properties that allow you to store any kind of information relevant to you. You can also create properties specific to your market in order to collect data that interests you. With these properties, you will be able to segment your database into dynamic (active) and static lists.

The dynamic (active) list will allow you to see all the contacts that match certain criteria at the moment, while the static list will show you the contacts that matched certain criteria at the time you created it. You can segment by characteristics, activities, marketing efforts and through a scoring process.


Reason 9 : Learn more about prospects with a CRM solution that shows you clicks, page views, content viewed, and more.

HubSpot tracks visitors using browser cookies. When a visitor accesses your website, HubSpot determines if a tracking cookie is set. If not, then a cookie is assigned to that visitor and keeps track of all the pages they visit.

Better understand lead engagement
In addition to setting up your site’s tracking, you should also filter your own and bot traffic in the statistics and configure cookie tracking settings and privacy alerts.

With this kind of CRM solution, you are able to know more about your prospects, be notified automatically, and understand their behaviors.


Reason 10 : Be responsive thanks to the task notification system and the different series of workflows you can implement.

The user notification feature allows you to be notified when actions or activities occur within your account. It is possible to define and control the notifications received from HubSpot.

Using automation allows you to optimize your processes by standardizing them. Once you’ve set your enrollment criteria, you’re able to send notifications and tasks to the right people at the right time. No more chasing information and writing endless emails, these workflows facilitate teamwork and cross-team communication by giving you the peace of mind of knowing your records are up to date.


Reason 11 : Track your prospects’ activity in real-time and contact the right people at the right time.

Leads are people who visit your site without having previously converted via forms. With the HubSpot tracking code, the Leads tool identifies and detects an IP address when each page is viewed. The HubSpot tracking code is always installed on your HubSpot pages.

It also provides publicly available information about the company that matches the visitor’s IP address to learn more about your site visitors.
To view your lead report data:

  • In the general search bar of your HubSpot account, type Leads.
    Click on Leads. It will then appear in the list of search results or on the right panel under Navigation.

Leads that have visited your site will appear in the Leads tool as soon as the tracking code has been integrated.

To break up your leads, you can also build filters or use the search bar to find leads by properties, such as state or country.

The Leads tool sends you and your team members notifications related to website visitor activity. You can also manage your lead notifications via “Profile and Preferences”.

Once on this page, you will see two types of notifications for your leads:

  • The daily email that will allow you to receive a summary email on a daily basis when companies have visited your site.
  • The notifications in the event of new visits which are used to send you a notification in your activity feed whenever a company visits your site.


Reason 12 : Automate your campaigns, marketing, sales, service, and support processes all in one place.

To be able to support your evolution, you need to use specific tools such as an automation software. In this case, HubSpot offers an automation tool that is easy to use and will allow you to carry out delicate automations without necessarily having advanced training in this field.

Its seamlessness will allow you to optimize your campaigns to their fullest in order to automate your marketing, sales and customer service processes at the same time.

The fact of having recourse to this type of tool will consequently reinforce your customer relations. Marketers will be able to transmit the right information at the right time. In order to do this successfully, you need to know what actions your customers have taken and what content they have recently viewed. With this HubSpot tool, you will finally be able to carry out cross-channel marketing campaigns focused on the various visitor interactions with your content and website.

Using this automation tool will ensure the quality of your data. Choosing HubSpot means choosing automatic data quality and Operations Hub’s data quality automation consists of cleaning up date properties, verifying phone numbers or detecting and correcting various capitalization problems in just a few seconds.


Reason 13 : Simplify managing your sales workforce.

The Sales Hub offers a multitude of features to simplify your business opportunity management. The sales pipeline management allows you to prioritize the most important opportunities and ensure that nothing is overlooked.

Multiple customizable templates for sales rep performance reports allow you to coach, support, and equip team members in a contextual manner. Forecasts of upcoming deals can also contribute to the implementation of new initiatives and tactics to help the team reach its objectives.



Marketing Hub

Reason 14 : A CRM-powered marketing platform that has everything you need to get found, engage new people, and turn them into leads that sales will love.

To get your targets’ attention:
The CRM platform allows you to manage all of the following channels in one place: a content creation and management interface for your blog and landing pages, your videos, your social media accounts, your SEO, and your Google Ads campaigns.

For reports and customization:
Management of your campaign and site traffic analytics, attribution, custom properties, and partitioning (the ability to assign resources such as landing pages, forms, calls to action, emails, lists, dashboards, and email subscriptions to tea.


Reason 15 : Tools for complete, structured, and conversion-optimized sales funnels.

To create conversion funnels, you first need to know the pre-conversion elements:

  1. A call-to-action (CTA) is a text or button located on your website or blog, for example, with a link to a landing page where your offer is located.
  2. A landing page: once users have clicked on the CTA button, they will be sent to… the landing page. A landing page promotes your offer and includes a form. 
  3. A form: The landing page of your site must systematically include a form since this is what allows your prospects to receive your offer. Indeed, if your landing page is devoid of a form, it is very likely that users will download the content of your site without giving any information in return, and that you will generate practically no leads… Therefore, forms are fundamental for your sales channel.
  4. A thank you page: The thank you page comes into play when new leads have finished filling out your form. As soon as they have filled out the form, you need to redirect them somewhere… They may be confused by your redirection to your home page. However, you would be losing a golden opportunity by simply replacing the form with the offer they have chosen since once the download is done, the users will leave your website immediately.
  5. A confirmation email: send a confirmation email to your leads so that they can find your offer in a flash afterward.


Reason 16 : Apply A/B testing methods to your headlines to optimize your email open rates.

A/B testing is one of the most effective ways to optimize your email open rates.  A/B testing is very effective in many marketing applications and is simple to set up. A/B testing means offering two different versions of the same information (e.g. landing page, email or call to action) to two target groups of equal size to measure performance on each option.

To optimize a web page or a specific campaign, the company must experiment with the different variables present on the site. The objective is to be able to individualize each variable to obtain precise results and to be able to evaluate its performance.

A/B testing phases also take place on media other than websites such as your emails. With HubSpot’s test phases, you can create several different email templates to check the receptiveness of the recipients. 

The variations will then affect elements such as :

  • the subject to optimize the opening rate ; 
  • content to increase click-through rate ;
  • the sender’s label.

When it comes to A/B tests on web pages, one of the objectives is to successfully exploit statistical information to adapt future mailings based on the results.



Reason 17 : Create optimized landing pages for better conversion.

Landing pages are a fundamental element of an inbound strategy. Well designed and optimized, landing pages will help convert your leads into prospects.

Therefore, it is important that you spend time developing them, as they are a big part of your lead generation strategy.

Without a landing page, you cannot obtain information about site users. Your company will miss out on an opportunity to generate leads.  

Landing pages are essential to know your prospects and convert them into customers. They need to be planned, designed, implemented and run smoothly. Thanks to HubSpot, this process is not very complex, but you still need to be meticulous!



Reason 18 : Convert more leads with landings pages combined with lead generation forms.

Today, landing pages and associated lead collection forms are undeniably two of the most important elements of lead generation.

The purpose of landing pages is to convert visitors into leads through a download and a form that collects the contact information of visitors interested in the proposed content. With landing pages in HubSpot, you will be able to redirect your audiences to more targeted pages that have a much higher conversion rate than other forms.

They offer the possibility to focus the visitor on a specific offer by limiting the presence of elements that can distract them. Visitors arrive at these pages with one goal in mind: to take advantage of an offer by filling out a lead generation form.

With elements such as a title, a brief description of your offer emphasizing its value, at least one image  or other elements supporting the offer such as testimonials or privacy information as well as a form to collect your customers’ contact information, your landing pages will be optimized to the maximum and can easily convert your visitors into leads.


Reason 19 : Drive web traffic to an optimized buying journey with HubSpot.

To attract the attention of your targets: the platform centralizes the management of the blog videos, social media accounts, SEO and Google Ads campaigns.

The more attention a company pays to its customer journey, the smoother the user experience and the fewer the friction points. With HubSpot, you can simplify and optimize the user experience. First, you can adopt a “customer-centric” strategy, which are the actions you must inspire in the customer. The customer should be at the heart of your strategy. To achieve this, you can develop customer personas that will define your core target. Design a profile of the personas in question, which will facilitate the offering of a quality and personalized customer journey in accordance with their needs. It is recommended that the entire team be involved to adopt a powerful customer-centric strategy.

Secondly, provide a seamless and consistent experience for your customers. There are a lot of physical and digital conversion opportunities that remain and can be used to simplify the customer journey. A prospect should be able to simply navigate from one channel to another without having their experience accommodated.

That’s why you need to make sure that the entire buying journey, from start to finish, is logical, no matter which channel the customer chooses to contact you. Facilitate this process, through, for example, a CRM in which you can centralize your exchanges with prospects. Then, collect the opinions and comments from your customers through satisfaction surveys. You can’t optimize a customer journey if you don’t know who to address logically. In order to better understand the needs and expectations of your prospects, you can collect their opinions. Whether they are positive or negative, they will allow you to act accordingly, in time to optimize your products and services as quickly as possible.

This feedback can be collected at every stage of the customer’s buying journey, whether on social networks, via digital channels or by conducting satisfaction surveys. To optimize this customer journey, it is imperative that you create a strong connection with your customer.

The creation of an emotional bond increases customer loyalty and accelerates the volume of sales. Indeed, a loyal customer or “promoter” is more likely to recommend a product or a service and to buy it again than a customer known as “detractor”.

You must therefore propose a qualitative customer service to persuade the buyer to come back for your products and/or services. Build trust and show special attention to your customers in order to win them over in the long term.

Lastly, keep a close eye on the customer journey. Optimizing the customer journey without monitoring the actions taken to achieve it will lead you into a corner. You need to monitor it to ensure that every action you take is effective and qualitative.

To do this, you must define different key performance indicators (KPIs) to be followed to the letter. For example, it could be the :

CSAT (customer satisfaction score).

NPS (Net Promoter Score).

CRR (customer retention rate).



Reason 20 : Automatically identify your best prospects with lead scoring.

HubSpot offers a customizable scoring property to help you qualify your contacts. This way, you’ll be able to measure the size of the opportunity that a contact/company presents and even see how it’s progressing in your lead nurturing process by assigning points for certain interactions with your marketing efforts.

With scoring, you can easily identify the best opportunities to work on and your prospects that are ready to be contacted by the sales team. Complementing scoring, automations will allow you to be notified when certain contacts need your attention, while lists will allow you to segment them.


Reason 21 : Turn leads into customers.

One of HubSpot’s greatest strengths is the ability to see all the information about an opportunity in one place. By having access to this information in the contact’s record and their company, you’ll be able to better understand their relationship with your company and thus offer them tailored solutions. 

As soon as it is created on your platform, HubSpot will start to accumulate relevant information about the contact. This will be followed by marketing efforts such as email blasts and value-added content downloads using form submission. Easily identify when a contact is ready to be approached by the sales team using a scoring property. Within the contact record, create the transaction record and track its progress through your sales pipeline. 


Reason 22 : Increase lead nurturing with a marketing automation solution that removes friction from the buying journey.

Marketers note a 20% increase in sales opportunities through lead nurturing over those that are not. Companies that excel in the art of lead nurturing manage to double their sales at a lower cost.

While lead nurturing campaigns have their benefits, virtually only 36% of marketers implement them regularly. So you need to gain a quick advantage over your competitors by developing effective lead nurturing strategies.

Thanks to HubSpot and its use of lead nurturing as a key component of your marketing strategy. This will allow you to keep your prospects interested while moving them through the conversion funnel until they become ready to buy. Particularly through different methods, you provide content to your prospects, inform them and guide them through their buying journey. You can use a powerful search engine that will allow you to find your customers in one click with a complete and detailed record.

You can also use filters to create static or dynamic lists to better target your marketing efforts and use your data to accurately segment and target your audiences.

Leverage automation to nurture each contact and move qualified leads to sales.

Analyze and optimize the ROI of your marketing efforts all in one place and keep your communications consistent across email, live chat, and more.



Service Hub


Reason 23 : Provide exceptional service with the various solutions offered by the service hub and turn your customers into promoters of your business.

This is where you can manage all your customer service and technical support requests. With the Service Hub of the HubSpot CRM platform, you will be able to manage all your requests through the management and creation of support or customer service tickets. At the same time, in order to reduce the volume of calls, emails, chat conversations or form requests, a Customer Portal is offered and can be integrated with your website to provide direct and privileged access to your teams in self-service. This portal can be customized to meet the rules and graphic guidelines of your brand image. In addition, a resource center (knowledge base) is available, to encourage the autonomy of your customers or users, by allowing them to directly access specific information concerning their requests. This is another way to improve the customer experience and free up your teams by offering all forms of relevant information related to your most recurring requests.


Reason 24 : Calculate your NPS score and get your customers’ opinions in a few clicks. (Likely to recommend you to someone else).

The NPS (Net Promoter Score) is a classic benchmark score used by companies to evaluate, assess and reinforce customer loyalty. It differs from other metrics, such as Customer Satisfaction Score or Customer Effort Score, only in that it measures the customer’s overall perception of a brand, rather than their perception of a single interaction or purchase. Survey your customers and ask them, “On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you likely to recommend us to a friend?”. Segment participants by their score: scores of 0-6 are “detractors,” 7-8 are “passives,” and 9-10 are “promoters.” By removing the passive ones, subtract the percentage of detractors’ answers from the percentage of promoters’ answers to calculate your NPS which can vary from -100 to 100. It is thus useful to calculate the NPS to obtain the sincere opinion of your customers.


Reason 25 : Unify your customer communication channels in one place.

    • Create chatbots
        1. This feature allows you to qualify a visitor or a potential customer with the help of programmed conversations aiming to direct the request based on the collected information.
        2. Automated chat can make it easier to qualify requests and assign them to the right people and teams.
        3. The concierge chat will allow you to make appointments with your teams, by combining the chat module with the appointment scheduling tool.
    • Live chat
        1. The live chat module allows for quick and efficient management of information requests for sales, customer service and support.
        2. The real-time chat module allows quick and efficient management of information requests for sales, customer service and support.
    • Shared conversation inboxes
        1. This shared communication space includes various channels such as forms, online chat and support or customer service email addresses (info@, billing@)
    • Team email inboxes
      1. These shared email addresses connect to the platform to generate: contact records, information requests, support tickets and more, with the objective of logging all interactions to optimize the customer experience.


Added value: The chatbot and live chat functionalities break the barrier caused by the lack of human contact involved in submitting an online form by offering a personalized and easy-to-access approach. In addition, it is possible to create tickets from requests in the various chat modules, conversation inboxes and shared addresses by your teams.


CMS Hub (gestion de contenu) 

Grow your business by integrating your website at the heart of your HubSpot platform.


Reason 26 : Create outstanding customer experiences on your website with ease.

To do this, HubSpot offers a ton of features: its drag-and-drop editor for managing your site’s content. An array of customizable themes, member/user driven content management, interactive web applications and dynamic content management capabilities via HubDB. This makes it possible for your team members to contribute to the creation of great experiences on your website by creating consistent content without the help of a developer.


Reason 27 : Optimize and customize your website.

To help you achieve this, HubSpot offers a range of recommendations. Its optimization module allows you to optimize your site based on technical SEO best practices. To help you manage your performance and personalization, a contact attribution reporting tool is available. The smart content management (customizable content) and analysis modules also contribute to the quality of your content.



Reason 28 : Generate qualified leads.

With tools like forms and lead qualification chatbots, you’ll be able to collect leads without having to put in any effort. And that’s not all! With custom properties, you’ll be able to ask the right questions to find out who you’re dealing with and if it’s a worthwhile opportunity for your business. Finally, use automations to ensure that the right leads are delivered to the right people at the right time.



Reason 29 : With Marketing and CMS Hub in the same platform, you get a CRM-powered growth engine.

This combination allows you to use data to create sophisticated experiences across all customer touch points. You’ll be able to leverage automation to ensure an optimal customer experience, from the first visit to the website to the handoff to sales. Access to your contact data also drives content creation based on audience engagement, and you’ll be able to measure the ROI of each customer touchpoint. In short, because CMS Hub is part of the HubSpot CRM platform, you can turn your website into a CRM-powered website.


Reason 30 : Enjoy a fast, secure and reliable website.

CMS Hub offers an international CDN. Today, almost all websites and applications rely on a CDN to deliver content to users. Websites use CDNs largely because they offer four important benefits: better performance, increased reliability, cost savings and resistance to cyber attacks. Of course, CMS Hub will present your standard SSL certificate to site visitors as proof of security. HubSpot’s content management solution provides full security monitoring and threat detection at all times. Its uptime is a record 99.99%, limiting access to your site to a maximum of 52 minutes per year!



Reason 31 : You’ll find everything you need for your site to create outstanding content and user experiences. 

CMS Hub includes a wide range of features to empower marketers by simplifying content creation: page and blog management, drag & drop page creation, theme editor, integrated AMP support for blogs, advanced menu and navigation creation, access to marketplace templates, CDN management, hosting and file storage, mobile optimization, multilingual content management, content customization, SEO recommendations, import/export, domain and subdomain management, URL mapping (redirects), local development and access to an entire developer community (and documentation).



Reason 32 : Build on performance with advanced features.

Content with access control :
Do you want to offer exclusive content to a specific segment of your audience or to your employees and business partners? The CMS Hub is designed to meet these requirements by allowing you to publish private content that can be accessed with credentials.

Interactive web applications :

Would you like to offer your customers the possibility to pay online directly, by integrating a personalized payment gateway? Do you want to promote a calendar of events and manage registrations that can be accessed freely from the website? These two scenarios are possible with the integration of interactive web applications. A multitude of other applications are available.

Website performance analytics and reporting :

Are your site and your business growing steadily and you want to make sure you keep the momentum going? Let the performance reports guide you in crafting the next valuable pages and articles, reviewing your evolving content and optimizing your best performing content.



Operations Hub, applications & integrations


Reason 33 : Leverage the synergy between your systems.

Connect your applications, automate your processes, and align your teams with a single information hub that brings your customer data together. Technical and operational debt is extraordinarily painful and time-consuming. It can cripple an entire organization. Having independent systems and siloed tools can really limit an organization’s effectiveness: having to update information at multiple levels and in multiple places, having siloed analytics data for various channels (email marketing, media placement, website performance, landing pages, CRM, etc.).

Disconnected data makes alignment difficult. An uneven, variable, and inconsistent user interface complicates tool adoption. These internal silos make adaptation more laborious.

The Operations Hub enables data integration (iPaaS – integration platform as a service) and can manage enterprise-wide workloads, increasing efficiency and driving growth. It can also automate your internal processes and improve the quality of your data. By bringing together all of your data and optimizing the synergy of your systems, Operations Hub gives you the business intelligence you need.



Reason 34 : Align your teams and systems with Data Sync.

With Data Sync, Operations Hub offers the power of custom integrations and all the benefits of a custom connector: data flow and bi-directional synchronization, custom field mapping, and historical synchronization in a very elegant, code-free package, making it easier than ever to make your systems work together.



Reason 35 : Take advantage of automated data quality.

With data quality automation, your teams can streamline business processes and better manage their data, with a clean, connected source of truth for your customer data. Clean up date properties, capitalize the first letters of first names and more with new out-of-the-box automations. With the workflows offered, your data will be clean and under control, automatically, so your operations team can focus on growth instead of putting out fires.



Reason 36 Adopt better business processes with Datasets.

With datasets, operations managers and analysts can aggregate collections of data to enable downstream users to create simple, fast and consistent reports themselves. This allows data managers to spend more time on business strategy than on data management. You’ll be able to aggregate data for easy reporting and produce reusable data tables to create simple, robust, self-service reports for business users.



Reason 37 : Help your teams adapt and become more efficient with programmable automation.

With programmable automation, Operations Hub enables companies to adapt their internal processes to the ever-changing needs of their customers. Custom code workflow actions allow teams to automate anything, and implement new business processes. So you can create custom automation actions for every process using JavaScript: from renewal management to commission calculations to data enrichment, to keep your team efficient and your customers happy.



Reason 38 : Collect your data in Snowflake or in your own data warehouse.

A fast, automated, turnkey way to export HubSpot data into the data warehouse of the industry leader, Snowflake. You can just as easily combine and process your data outside of HubSpot, in the data warehouse and BI tool you already use, if that’s what you prefer.



Reason 39 : Access a full ecosystem of integrations.

HubSpot’s native integrations are now powered by Data Sync. For everything else, HubSpot’s App Marketplace offers 700+ integrations to ensure a seamless customer experience. Native integrations are built and supported by HubSpot. The Made by HubSpot section of the App Marketplace features software integrations built in-house by developers. Native integrations are built out of the box and do not require coding. They tend to be free or low-cost options compared to custom development. Simply establish the connection between the two systems, configure the settings and turn them on for the two platforms to start talking to each other. Since HubSpot designs these integrations, you can call on HubSpot support to resolve any issues. You can also call on support to resolve any issues with your data, triggers or functionality.




Reason 40 : Empower your teams to go further.

At Parkour3, our mission and raison d’être is to empower our partners so that they can go further. Whether it’s coaching, implementation, training, support or integrations related to HubSpot, our team is committed to provide outstanding services

In addition, for your more ambitious colleagues, the self-taught innovation specialists who want to get better at what they do, HubSpot Academy offers a range of lessons and a variety of certifications that are free and available in a self-service format. Over 50 topics related to the CRM platform, sales, marketing, design and web development are available.


For more information about why you should choose HubSpot, visit the following page from this link.

The CRM platform has more than 135,000 customers across 120 countries and is ranked #1 in the latest G2 rankings.


Download the Why HubSpot: 40 Reasons to Choose this CRM Platform guide

Download the guide Choosing HubSpot : 40 reasons to adopt this CRM platform