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Content marketing: Raising awareness - Parkour3

Written by Lucie Raillard | Jul 31, 2024 3:16:53 PM

The importance of content marketing


In this article, we explore the best practices to create a content marketing strategy that allows you to increase the awareness of your brand with your target audience.

We discuss the different types of content you can create to reach your public target, as well as the promotional strategies you can use to disseminate your content.

Content marketing allows you to orient your audience to take an interest in the brand.

We explain why consumers need to feel connected to a brand before they buy, and comment on the different content marketing tactics that can help reinforce this connection.

The aim is to make them aware of your brand according to their needs.


1. Use blog posts to reinforce your expertise


Blog posts are a great way to reinforce your company's expertise and draw consumers' attention to your brand.

The creation of a blog article is important for your brand awareness if you deal with topics consumers will relate to, topics that address their needs and their concerns.

What to blog about?

  • You have to be interested in the consumer, in following you, so all you have to do is inform them about the services/products you offer to improve understanding and reduce customer anxiety.
  • In addition, taking an interest in current events and/or trends are points not even to be overlooked, as the customer will have the interest in these topics that you do.

Researching competitors' blog posts can be a source of inspiration.

It's important to optimize your blog posts for search engines by adding impactful keywords and phrases.

Don't forget to promote your articles on social networks to reach a wider audience.


2. Promotional videos to reach a wider audience


Promotional videos are an effective way to reach a wider audience and boost your brand's awareness.
They captivate your audience through imagery and encourage them to find out more about your company.

What types of promotional videos?

  • You can create promotional videos around your services/products to explain their use and appeal to your consumers.
  • You can also film testimonials from your audience to promote service quality and ensure consumer trust.
  • You can create advertising videos to inspire your audience to take action in favor of the brand.

There are many forms of promotional videos, so don't hesitate to get inspiration from big brands or competitors.


3. The importance of infographics for effective visual communication


Infographics are an excellent way to present complex information clearly and concisely.

They help improve brand awareness by committing to facilitating consumer understanding, thus raising awareness.

What is an engaging infographic?

An infographic is engaging when it deals with topics pertinent for your target audience by highlighting key figures, clearly explaining your business activity.

It's vital to promote your infographics on social networks to reach a wider audience.


4. White papers to bolster your credit


White papers are a great way to boost your raise by demonstrating your expertise in a specific field.

When creating white papers, you'll be able to reach your target audience in an educational or informative way.

They are often used as part of a content marketing strategy to generate leads and sales by providing valuable information to a public target.

White papers are typically multi-page documents containing detailed information on a specific topic related to your field, product or service.

They are frequently offered as free downloads from company websites, in exchange for an email address or other contact information.

With these, you'll be able to establish a relationship with your audience by sending them marketing emails or other communications.

Thanks to its digital format, you have the option of sharing your white papers on social networks and on your website to reach a wider audience.


5. Podcasts to reach a diverse audience


Podcasts are an effective way to reach a diversified audience and boost your brand awareness.

It's important to know how to speak to your target audience, in particular by using a way of speaking that's close to them and bringing content inspiring.
This type of marketing content brings a awareness particular to your public target through audio, a way innovative to inform and learn.

This will enable you to reach a wider audience and establish a relationship of trust with your audience.

What types of podcasts for businesses?

The podcast is a story, so it's important to dictate a brand, product or service storytelling to your listener.


6. Online advertising to reach a wider audience


Online ads allow you to promote a product or service in favor of your company.
Thanks to this tactic, you'll have the opportunity to reuse your marketing content to thus promote it and make it visible to the general public.

They'll be able to exert a psychological action on your audience for commercial purposes.

This is an effective way for businesses to generate more leads.

Digital advertising will hit a higher level of targeting thanks to the collection of data from web users in real time.
There are several advertising options to boost awareness and brand awareness, including Google Ads.

These are based on the search intent of web users who pass through search engines. They will look for information and move on to purchase.

 <creativity< span=""></creativity<> and the effect of these help drive the prospect to buy into the brand.


Key points


We've shown that content marketing, to educate inbound leads, prospects and/or customers to buy your services or products, is a factor to consider.

In your overall strategy, you need to benefit from as many leads as possible in order to grow your business.

With this list of marketing content types, you can measure their effectiveness, including with KPIs.

You'll be measuring the number of new leads, the number of clicks, the bounce rate, and so on. In short, the performance of your marketing content.

This strategy is intended to global : the principle is to propose several highly diversified marketing contents related to each facet of your offering.