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Reactivate lost leads with HubSpot - Parkour3

Written by Emilie Cals | Jul 31, 2024 3:03:54 PM

When you're in the business of generating leads for your company, it can sometimes be difficult to know what to do with unqualified leads. Some of them may be too far upstream, while others may need to be eliminated. Even so, it can be interesting to have a clear strategy on leads that aren't qualified today but could be in the next few months.

In this article, we'll explore how to work on your lost leads with HubSpot to bring them back into your sales funnel.

1. Analyze the reasons for loss

Before trying to reactivate your lost leads, understand why they didn't close business with you. Use the data available in HubSpot to identify the specific reasons for the loss. Was it a question of pricing, fit, timing or competition? This analysis will help you personalize your win-back approach.

2. Create segments of lost leads

Use the information you've gathered to segment your lost leads according to the reasons for loss. HubSpot lets you create customized segments through lists or views filtered by, for example, criteria such as past actions, demographics and reasons for loss. This segmentation will enable you to target your win-back efforts more precisely and thus analyze your volumes.

3. Use marketing automation

Marketing automation is one of HubSpot's strengths. Create automated win-back campaigns using workflows. Send relevant emails, special offers or educational content based on lost lead segments. The right timing and relevance of messages will play a crucial role in converting these leads.

4. Create win-back content

Develop specific content to rekindle your lost leads. This could include success case studies, testimonials from satisfied customers, or content that directly addresses the objections they've raised. Show them how your solution can solve their problems more effectively.

5. Personalize interactions

Use the information available in HubSpot to personalize your interactions with lost leads. Recalling past discussions or mentioning specific points of interest shows that you value their experience and needs.

6. Offer special deals

Offer special incentives to encourage lost leads to return. This could be an exclusive discount, a free trial or access to premium features. Show that you're willing to invest in their success.

7. Follow up regularly

Continue to track lost leads even after you've launched your win-back campaigns. HubSpot makes it easy to track interactions and responses. Stay persistent in your reconversion efforts.

8. Measure results

Use HubSpot's analytics tools like dashboards and reports to measure the results of your winback campaigns. Track email open rates, click-through rates and conversion rates. Adapt your strategies according to the data to continually improve your approach.

To conclude, reactivating your lost leads with HubSpot is a smart strategy to maximize your chances of conversion. By analyzing the reasons for loss, personalizing interactions, using marketing automation and creating relevant content, you can re-engage these leads and bring them back into your sales process. HubSpot offers the tools you need to implement this approach effectively and strategically, enabling you to turn lost leads into successful sales opportunities.