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HubSpot Customer Service: Increase your team's efficiency - Parkour3

Written by Daniel Fortin | Aug 7, 2024 1:11:38 PM

HubSpot, the all-in-one platform, is known for its marketing department (HubSpot Marketing) and its sales department (HubSpot Sales), but do you know HubSpot Customer Service?

After converting the contact into a prospect and then into a client, HubSpot Customer Service is the only way to convert the contact into a prospect and then into a client.

After converting the contact into a prospect and then into a customer, it's now the stage of meeting their customer service needs to turn them into a strong brand ambassador!

More than ever today, with the development of digital platforms and various interactive communication channels, customers expect to receive almost real-time follow-up on their request.

The Service Hub's ticketing system offers a host of efficiency-boosting benefits, saving time in addition to tighter tracking of requests.


An efficient ticketing system


How HubSpot defines a ticket

Any customer request or query entering HubSpot is converted into a ticket.
Whether complaints, bugs, incidents or problems concerning the services or products offered by the company. As its name suggests, it's a sort of card containing the information of the request.
When created, the ticket is positioned at the beginning of the request handling process.

Where do tickets come from?

The entry channels for customer requests are numerous. The two most well-known and longest-established channels for submitting a request are, of course, the telephone and email.

The new and new channels are the new channels.

On the other hand, newcomers have recently appeared such as live chat (chat) via an integrated function on the website. Chat conversations can be automatically converted into a service ticket if desired.

Then, the forms present on the website are interesting and easily accessible entry points for customers to report a problem or ask a question.

Finally, a platform like HubSpot offers a portal client. This allows users to log into their account and from there create a ticket and track its progress.


Automations save precious time

Having a single platform where all customer requests are listed is a plus, but it's only the beginning. Next come the steps of creating requests and assigning them to team members. HubSpot's automation feature saves precious time.

HubSpot's Customer Service offers, among other things:

  • Automatically create tickets upon receipt of an email, completed form or chat session.
  • Send an automatic notification notifying a team member when a new ticket is created
  • Automatically notify customers by email or in their user portal when their request is received, changes status, or is completed.
  • Send a reminder email if the customer has not responded to an inquiry after a defined number of days.
  • Send an automatic reminder email to a team member who has not responded to an inquiry after a defined number of days.
  • Schedule the sending of satisfaction surveys by email following the conclusion of a ticket.

Not to be overlooked: HubSpot offers the possibility of creating a knowledge base and publishing it on the website to enable customers to find an answer to their query themselves.

All these possible automations enable team members to avoid spending time on non-value-added tasks such as creating requests in the system, writing an email to the customer to follow up, or defining the right category/prioritization of the request. So, they prioritize their time finding the best solutions to fully satisfy customer requests in a timely manner!

To sum up, HubSpot Customer Service aims to be an all-in-one solution to effectively manage customer service using ticket management, automation, personalization, tracking and performance analysis tools. All integrated into an overall platform including sales and marketing teams enabling work consistently and seamlessly.