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HubSpot: Our must-have tips for a clear, organized database - Parkour3

Written by Emilie Cals | Aug 15, 2024 7:25:33 PM

Managing a database is crucial to the success of any business. In the world of marketing and customer relationship management, HubSpot is positioned as a powerful tool. However, HubSpot's effectiveness depends greatly on the quality of your database. In this article, we'll share our must-have tips to help you maintain a clear, organized and fully exploited database with HubSpot.

1. Analyze your duplicates regularly

Your database of contacts and companies may contain many records. These can sometimes exist several times if you've ever done several imports in the past, for example.

It's important, in order to keep a clean and realistic database, to use the duplicate management module provided by HubSpot. This will analyze your entire database of contacts and companies and suggest records that seem similar. You'll be able to choose whether to merge several records together or ignore them considering that they are quite different.

2. Delete your unused properties

Take stock of your current properties and identify those that are no longer relevant or in use. By eliminating unnecessary properties, you simplify the structure of your database in HubSpot. This improves readability, reduces complexity and allows your team to focus on essential information. Don't forget to set up procedures to regularly remove obsolete properties to maintain an optimized database.


3. Segment your database

Segmenting your database is a crucial step in effectively managing your contacts, enabling deeper personalization of your interactions. Using smart or static lists in HubSpot offers a powerful solution to achieve this goal.

Smart lists: Smart lists are dynamic and adjust automatically according to defined criteria. This means you don't need to manually update the list every time there's a change in your contacts. For example, you can create a smart list to automatically group together all contacts who have interacted with your website in the last 30 days. This ensures that your segment is always up to date, offering a real-time view of your most active contacts.

Static lists: on the other hand, static lists allow you to create specific segments by manually adding contacts based on predefined criteria. This can be useful for more specific or temporary segments. For example, you could create a static list for a specific marketing campaign, by manually adding interested contacts. This offers total flexibility to target particular groups outside the automatic criteria.

4. Regular team training

Make sure your team is well trained in the best practices of database management with HubSpot. Regular training sessions ensure that everyone uses features consistently, avoiding errors and inconsistencies.

Optimize your use of HubSpot with these must-have tips for maintaining a clean, organized database.

By eliminating duplicates, deleting unused properties and intelligently segmenting your base, you'll boost the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns.

Don't forget to regularly train your team for consistent use, which is precisely one of our areas of expertise!

With a well-managed database, HubSpot becomes a powerful ally in propelling your business to success.