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HubSpot pushes the boundaries: discover the new features unveiled at INBOUND

Written by Mathieu Belanger | Sep 23, 2024 7:34:01 PM


HubSpot reaches a key milestone with the launch of new features unveiled at the annual INBOUND event. These innovations are part of a drive to meet the growing demands of HubSpot users, offering them more powerful and intuitive tools. Whether you're part of a marketing, sales or customer service team, these new features have been designed to improve the efficiency of your processes, optimize your resources and maximize your return on investment, all while putting the user experience at the heart of your priorities.


One of the key strengths of the new features is their ability to automate and simplify complex tasks, while providing teams with the information they need to make faster, more targeted strategic decisions. Whether it's generating qualified leads, enriching and centralizing data in the CRM, or further personalizing interactions with prospects and customers, these tools represent a major step forward. Sales, marketing and customer service teams thus benefit from solutions that enable them to work more intelligently, while maintaining a customer-centric approach.


In this article, Parkour3 joins you to demystify each feature and show you how they can transform the management of your operations. We'll explore the key objectives of HubSpot users, the challenges they face, and the answers these new features provide to these issues. Whether you're looking to improve campaign management, strengthen collaboration between your teams, or refine your communications strategies, this article offers an overview of the benefits these innovations bring.

1. Video Publishing


HubSpot users are looking to extend the reach and engagement of their videos, while optimizing their time and resource management.


"The pressure to create high-quality video content across multiple channels is increasing, and this task is becoming more and more time-consuming."
Short videos represent a high-ROI channel as the year draws to a close, and this trend is set to continue. However, users have to juggle multiple platforms while producing content on a regular basis, making their work more complex.

Feature: Video Publishing

HubSpot now allows users to publish videos on Instagram (Reels and Stories), YouTube, and TikTok directly from the platform, while centralizing comment management. With this feature, HubSpot users can optimize their video strategy by tracking the performance of their videos in real time. This solution enables them to maximize their impact while reducing the time spent managing multiple platforms.

2. Social Agent


HubSpot users want to automate content creation for social networks to maintain an active presence while optimizing their time.


"Managing social networks is extremely time-consuming, and it's difficult to regularly publish content that's relevant to our audience."
Marketing teams spend too much time creating posts for multiple social networks and sometimes miss opportunities to publish at the optimal time for their audience.

Feature: Social Agent

The Social Agent uses artificial intelligence to generate relevant, personalized content based on industry, audience, and company goals. HubSpot users can thus receive ready-to-publish content suggestions, with recommendations on the best times to post. This process simplifies social network management and enables an active presence to be maintained without constant manual effort.

3. Lead Scoring


HubSpot users seek to identify and prioritize leads with the highest conversion potential.


"I don't always know which leads to focus my efforts on, and that could stunt our growth."
Existing lead scoring processes sometimes lack personalization, making it difficult to identify the most promising leads.

Feature: Lead Scoring

HubSpot's enhanced Lead Scoring enables greater personalization thanks to artificial intelligence, which identifies the behavioral patterns of leads most likely to convert. This enables users to focus their efforts on the most promising opportunities, with greater visibility over the evolution of scores over time.

4. AI-powered list


HubSpot users want to simplify the creation of relevant lead lists to better focus their prospecting efforts.


"I don't always know which leads to focus my time and energy on, and this hinders the achievement of our growth objectives."
The process of creating manual lists can be time-consuming and doesn't always guarantee the relevance of the contacts identified for prospecting.

Feature: AI-powered list

HubSpot's AI-powered list feature generates lead lists based on insights provided by artificial intelligence. This solution enables the rapid creation of relevant lists, based on behavioral data and demographic information available in the platform, optimizing prospecting and improving conversion rates.

5. Breeze Social Media Agent


HubSpot users want to automate the creation and management of content on social networks to gain in productivity.


"Managing multiple social channels takes a lot of time, between creating quality posts, analyzing performance, and adjusting strategy."
Marketing teams need to balance their time between content creation and performance analysis to maintain a consistent strategy on social networks.

Feature: Breeze Social Media Agent

The Breeze Social Media Agent uses artificial intelligence to analyze social performance, market trends, and audience preferences to generate multi-channel content. It enables HubSpot users to regularly publish content optimized for Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and X, while recommending the best times to publish, automating social network management.

6. AI Social Inbox Insights


HubSpot users are looking to centralize the management of social interactions to better track and analyze audience trends.


"Managing multiple social channels and tracking @mentions, direct messages, and overall sentiment towards our brand is difficult and time-consuming."
Tracking social interactions across multiple channels complicates analyzing audience feedback and making decisions based on these insights.

Feature: AI Social Inbox Insights

The AI Social Inbox Insights feature centralizes the management of social interactions to track trends, sentiment and audience feedback across all channels. HubSpot users benefit from AI-summarized weekly reports, with actionable suggestions for optimizing their social strategy.

7. Google Enhanced Conversations


HubSpot users want to more accurately track and optimize their conversions while complying with new data privacy regulations.


"The traditional methods I used to identify and track conversion data are no longer reliable due to increased regulations and browser changes."
Marketing teams are facing increasing difficulties in collecting accurate conversion data, which limits their ability to optimize their campaigns and measure their success.

Feature: Google Enhanced Conversations

The Google Enhanced Conversations feature enables HubSpot users to track and measure conversion performance more accurately, while complying with current regulations. By capturing more data via Google tags, this feature improves ad targeting and reduces the cost per result, enabling a better understanding of user behavior.

8. Home for Marketers


HubSpot users want to centralize their marketing tasks to gain productivity and avoid missing important actions.


"I spend a lot of time managing multiple channels, formats and responsibilities, which leads to inefficiencies with the use of multiple tools."
Marketers juggle a large number of tools and platforms, which complicates the daily management of tasks and reduces productivity.

Feature: Home for Marketers

Home for Marketers is a new all-in-one interface enabling HubSpot users to centralize and prioritize their marketing tasks. Accessible on desktop and mobile, this feature brings all tasks together in a single dashboard, reducing interruptions associated with switching tabs or platforms, and making it easier to manage priorities.

9. Message Insights


HubSpot users are looking to analyze and optimize the performance of their email campaigns without being overwhelmed by data.


"With the diversity of campaigns, it's difficult to gather relevant insights in one place to understand the impact of our efforts."
Analyzing the results of a multitude of campaigns can lead to information overload and complicate strategic decision-making.

Feature: Message Insights

The Message Insights feature helps HubSpot users identify email campaign trends using artificial intelligence. It offers recommendations for optimizing content, improving deliverability and adjusting strategy based on the results obtained, enabling users to focus on the actions that will have the greatest impact.

10. Campaign Efficacy Analytics


HubSpot users seek to understand the effectiveness of their campaigns in order to adjust their strategies in real time.


"Tracking the impact of our marketing campaigns is complex, especially when it comes to gathering meaningful insights from a variety of sources."
Marketing teams find it difficult to assess the performance of their campaigns in real time, which can lead to lost opportunities for in-campaign adjustments.

Feature: Campaign Efficacy Analytics

The Campaign Efficacy Analytics feature gives HubSpot users an in-depth view of ongoing or finalized campaigns. It enables them to understand the distribution of contacts throughout the lifecycle, track costs, and evaluate the effectiveness of each campaign with customizable reports. This makes it possible to adjust strategies and improve campaign performance based on real-time data.

11. Personalized Subscription


HubSpot users want to provide a personalized subscription management experience to improve satisfaction and reduce churn.


"It's difficult to manage subscriptions in a personalized way, which sometimes leads to unintentional unsubscribes or a lack of relevance in communicating with our audience."
Companies want to offer a consistent experience tailored to subscribers' preferences, while making it easy to manage the various subscription options.

Feature: Personalized Subscription

The Personalized Subscription feature allows HubSpot users to create personalized preference pages for different segments of their audience. This ensures that each subscriber sees relevant subscription options according to their profile and phase in the lifecycle. As a result, users can better manage their communications and maintain a closer relationship with their contacts.

12. Scalable SMS


HubSpot users want to use SMS to communicate with prospects and customers on a large-scale, personalized basis.


"Finding ways to communicate in a personalized way and on a large scale is a priority, but our use of SMS has always been limited."
The use of SMS in marketing strategies is growing, but many companies don't have the tools to do it in a scalable way while ensuring a quick return to customers.

Feature: Scalable SMS

With Scalable SMS, HubSpot users can send bulk SMS messages with greater reliability and respond quickly to incoming messages via a shared inbox. This feature also enables short codes to be launched to improve deliverability, while ensuring two-way SMS conversations with customers.

13. Breeze Content Agent


HubSpot users want to simplify and accelerate the creation of high-quality content for a variety of formats while optimizing resources.


"As a marketer, creating content across different formats and channels is time-consuming. It's difficult to meet our audience's expectations while maintaining content quality."
Content creation is a time-consuming process, and companies often struggle to produce quality content under tight deadlines.

Feature: Breeze Content Agent

The Breeze Content Agent is an AI assistant that enables HubSpot users to quickly generate quality content for blogs, landing pages, case studies, and even podcasts. This feature uses company information and the ideal customer profile to create conversion-optimized pages, podcast scripts, or compelling case studies. This enables users to produce impactful content while saving time and resources.

14. Content Remix V2


HubSpot users want to maximize the use of their existing content by reusing it across multiple channels and formats.


"Creating content across different formats and channels is hugely time-consuming, and it's difficult to keep up with the pace our customers expect while still producing quality content."
The continuous creation of new content is difficult to maintain, and reusing existing content for different formats and platforms is an under-exploited strategy.

Feature: Content Remix V2

The Content Remix V2 feature allows HubSpot users to take existing content and transform it into different formats for multiple channels. The new version includes the ability to embed videos and convert them into short clips, blog articles, audio files, or social network posts. It also makes it possible to reuse any content available on the web, offering maximum flexibility for multi-channel distribution.

15. Brand Voice v2


HubSpot users want to maintain a consistent brand voice across their various communication media, while taking advantage of AI authoring tools.


"We struggle to maintain a consistent brand voice across our blogs and website. We don't like using generative AI because it seems too robotic and doesn't reflect our unique tone."
One of the biggest challenges for companies is ensuring consistency in their brand tone and voice, especially when AI tools are used for content creation.

Feature: Brand Voice v2

The updated version of Brand Voice uses artificial intelligence to analyze samples of a brand's historical writing and generate content that matches its tone and voice. The v2 adds multilingual support (French, German, Spanish, Portuguese) and enables the creation of style guides with brand-specific terminologies, ensuring consistency across all media and channels.

16. Content Embeds v2


HubSpot users want to easily integrate personalized content based on CRM data into their website, even if it's not hosted on HubSpot.


"My site is on another CMS, which makes it difficult to integrate CRM data and marketing content from HubSpot."
Companies that don't use HubSpot as a CMS often encounter difficulties customizing their site with CRM data and synchronizing their content updates.

Feature: Content Embeds v2

With Content Embeds v2, HubSpot users can easily embed custom content from their HubSpot CRM on any CMS. This enhanced version now allows code to be added in a user-friendly way on any platform, not just WordPress. This simplifies content management, as an update made in HubSpot is automatically reflected across all integrated channels.

17. Breeze Copilot


HubSpot users want to automate repetitive tasks and improve their productivity with intelligent assistants connected to their CRM.


"I'm interested in using AI to automate my team's tasks, but the solutions explored so far are complicated and not integrated with our data."
AI adoption in teams is often hampered by the complexity of existing tools and their lack of connection with internal company data.

Feature: Breeze Copilot

Breeze Copilot is an AI assistant available throughout HubSpot, helping users to quickly complete tasks based on CRM data. Whether prospecting, preparing sales calls, generating content or summarizing CRM records, Copilot improves team efficiency by automating repetitive tasks and providing personalized recommendations.

18. Breeze Agents


HubSpot users want to free up time for their teams by automating repetitive and complex tasks, while retaining control over important actions.


"We want to work smarter, not harder. I'd like to use AI to handle more mundane tasks so my team can focus on higher value-added activities."
Marketing, sales and customer service teams still spend too much time on repetitive tasks that could be automated, reducing their efficiency.

Feature: Breeze Agents

HubSpot's Breeze Agents are AI agents designed to automate complex end-to-end tasks, from strategy development to execution. They operate continuously, analyzing data and providing insights to improve decision-making, while relieving teams of repetitive tasks. Agents are available around the clock, offering proactive automation and optimal performance for marketing, sales and service teams.

19. Breeze Intelligence: Data Enrichment


HubSpot users want to automatically enrich their CRM data to keep accurate, up-to-date information on their contacts and companies.


"A CRM is only as good as the data it contains, but our information often gets outdated quickly, making it difficult to manage and qualify leads."
Manually updating data in the CRM is time-consuming and can lead to errors, affecting the quality of sales decisions.

Feature: Data Enrichment

Breeze Intelligence enables HubSpot users to automatically enrich contact and company records with up-to-date information, such as role, company size, address, and more. Data is continually updated to ensure that teams have the most up-to-date information to make the right decisions at the right time. This functionality can be used automatically or manually as required.

20. Breeze Intelligence: Buyer Intent


HubSpot users want to identify their prospects' buying intentions to better target their prospecting efforts.


"We lose opportunities from interested prospects simply because they don't fill out our forms or show explicit intent."
Many sales opportunities can be missed when sales teams don't have reliable information about prospects' behaviors or buying signals.

Feature: Buyer Intent

The Buyer Intent feature from Breeze Intelligence identifies prospects ready to buy based on intent data, such as page views, searched keywords or engagement signals. It helps HubSpot users personalize their marketing and sales approaches based on detected intent, thus maximizing conversion opportunities.

21. Breeze Intelligence: Form Shortening


HubSpot users are looking to simplify their conversion forms without sacrificing the quality of the information collected about their prospects.


"Too many fields in a form discourage visitors from filling it out, but if we put in too few, we lack the information to properly qualify our leads."
The length and complexity of forms can reduce conversion rates, but getting the right information remains crucial for sales teams.

Feature: Form Shortening

Thanks to Breeze Intelligence, the Form Shortening feature dynamically shortens forms while automatically enriching prospect information with data already available. This enables HubSpot users to collect the necessary information while providing a better user experience, boosting conversions while ensuring effective lead qualification.

22. Highly Sensitive Data: HIPAA Data


HubSpot users working in regulated industries want to store and use sensitive data while remaining compliant with legal standards such as HIPAA.


"Our industry requires rigorous management of sensitive data to stay legally compliant, which makes it difficult to use the tools we need to do our jobs."
Compliance with standards such as HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) is a challenge for companies that need to collect, store and use sensitive customer data.

Feature: HIPAA Data

HubSpot now enables users to collect, store and manage sensitive data, including HIPAA-compliant data, through specific agreements (BAAs) and centralized auditing tools. This enables users to ensure that their data management processes comply with regulations, while continuing to use CRM functionality to optimize their customer interactions.


To conclude, HubSpot continues to innovate with a series of new features aimed at automating, enriching and simplifying the work of marketing, sales and customer service teams. From the automation of repetitive tasks thanks to Breeze Copilot and its agents, to the improvement of content management processes with tools like Content Remix V2 and Brand Voice V2, these new features offer HubSpot users a more efficient and intuitive solution for achieving their goals. The centralization of data and personalization of interactions, as with the Data Enrichment and Buyer Intent features, enable companies to make more informed decisions, while optimizing their productivity.

These enhancements directly address users' current challenges, whether maintaining a regular presence on social networks with Social Agent, optimizing conversions with Google Enhanced Conversations, or complying with legal standards with HIPAA data management. By integrating advanced AI technologies and offering scalable solutions such as Scalable SMS, HubSpot ensures it stays at the forefront of business needs while enhancing the user experience and maximizing ROI.

If you'd like to find out more about these features or have a HubSpot project in mind, Parkour3 is here to support you. Contact us today to find out how we can help you optimize your HubSpot tools and boost your performance to achieve your goals.