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HubSpot reporting: improving performance - Parkour3

Written by Rayann Hibri | Aug 5, 2024 5:21:27 PM

As the all-in-one platform of reference, HubSpot offers companies a panoply of high-performance tools to boost their development.

Among these tools, reporting stands out as an indispensable feature for measuring and evaluating the performance of your marketing, sales and customer service activities.

Among these tools, reporting stands out as an indispensable feature for measuring and evaluating the performance of your marketing, sales and customer service activities.

In this article, we'll explore the different types of reports on HubSpot and how they can help you make informed decisions to optimize your strategy.

In particular, we'll take a closer look at attribution reporting, which allows you to track and analyze the contribution of each service in the customer journey.

So, ready to discover how this feature can help your business reach new heights?

Let's start with the basics: what is reporting on HubSpot?

Reporting on HubSpot is a set of tools and features for collecting, analyzing and communicating data related to your company's marketing and sales activities. It enables you to measure the performance of your marketing actions, track the evolution of sales and make informed decisions to optimize your strategy.

HubSpot offers various types of reports to track and analyze business performance, such as activity reports, traffic source reports, performance reports, dashboards, etc. These reports can be personalized according to business needs, and users can choose criteria and filters to obtain the desired data.

Using HubSpot's reporting tools, you'll be able to improve your decision making by identifying the best-performing traffic sources, the most profitable campaigns, opportunities for improvement, and more. Reporting on HubSpot also enables effective communication of results to various stakeholders, such as marketing, sales and management teams.

The different types of reports on HubSpot

Basic reports

HubSpot offers several basic reports that provide information on activities, performance and traffic sources. These reports can be customized to your company's needs for more precise information on its performance.

    • Activity reports provide information on prospects' interactions with company content, such as pages visited, forms filled in, emails opened, etc. These reports make it possible to track lead engagement and identify the most popular content.
    • Performance reports track the performance of marketing and sales campaigns, such as conversion rates, costs per lead, close rates, etc.
    • Traffic source reports, meanwhile, provide information onthe origin of visitors to the website, such as social networks, search engines, advertising campaigns, etc.
    • . They

     - measure the effectiveness of online marketing actions and enable you to optimize your strategies accordingly.


Customized reports

HubSpot also allows you to create customized reports based on your specific needs. These reports can include information on leads, opportunities, revenues, etc. You can choose the criteria and filters to obtain the desired data and customize the report with graphs, charts, performance indicators, etc.


Dashboards on HubSpot allow you to group multiple reports to get an overview of business performance. You can customize dashboards to suit your needs and add the elements of your choice. Dashboards enable users to monitor performance in real time and make informed decisions to optimize your business.

Attribution reporting, what is it in concrete terms?

With the rise of digital marketing and performance tracking tools, it's become increasingly important to understand how a company's different teams interact to generate sales and fidelize customers.

This is where attribution reports on HubSpot come in.

Attribution reports are tools powerful that enable marketing, sales and customer service teams to understand how their work contributes to business success. On HubSpot, these reports are available to all teams, facilitating collaboration and alignment between them.

Marketing and sales:

Attribution reports on HubSpot make it possible to measure the impact of marketing actions on company sales. In fact, it's essential that these departments work hand-in-hand to increase the company's results.

HubSpot thus makes it possible to measure the contribution of each marketing channel (e.g. social networks, email campaigns, paid advertising) in generating leads and sales, and to identify the most effective sources.

The marketing department can then adjust its strategies according to the results, and optimize its campaigns to maximize the return on investment.

Example reports:

  1. Number of leads generated by the marketing department that were converted into customers by the sales department.
  2. Amount of revenues generated by customers acquired by the marketing department and converted into customers by the sales department.
  3. Rate of conversion of leads generated by the marketing department into customers by the sales department.

The marketing department and customer service:

Customer service and marketing are also closely linked, as customer service can influence the brand image and reputation of the company. Attribution reports on HubSpot make it possible to measure the impact of marketing actions on satisfaction customer, by monitoring email response rates, customer satisfaction, engagement rates on social networks, etc.

By analyzing this data, the marketing department can adjust its strategies to improve the customer experience, which can in turn increase customer loyalty and retention.

Example reports:

  1. Number of requests for assistance generated by customers acquired by the marketing department.
  2. Rate of satisfaction of customers acquired by marketing department towards customer service.
  3. Number of customer testimonials generated by the customer service department that were used by the marketing department in their marketing strategy.

Customer service and sales:

Finally, the attribution relationship between customer service and sales is essential to understanding how interactions with customers affect the sale. By measuring customer interactions, customer service teams can identify sales opportunities and share them with sales teams to help close deals.

Example report:

  1. Rate of fidelity of existing customers, measured by the number of customers who buy from the sales department again after being assisted by customer service.

In conclusion, reporting on HubSpot is an indispensable tool for companies wishing to improve their sales, marketing and customer service performance.
The various types of reports offered by HubSpot, such as activity reports, performance reports, traffic source reports, dashboards and customized reports, make it possible to measure the effectiveness of marketing and sales actions, and make informed decisions to optimize your strategy.

The reporting attribution, meanwhile, enables you to track and analyze the contribution of each service in the customer journey, which can help you to better understand the relationship between different departments and optimize internal coordination.

Using HubSpot's reporting tools, companies can improve their decision-making, identify the best-performing traffic sources, the most profitable campaigns, opportunities for improvement, etc.