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HubSpot Serie #3: Interview with Émilyse Roy, Digital Marketing Manager at Logibec - Parkour3

Written by Cecilia Ndofunsu | Aug 26, 2022 4:00:00 AM



For nearly 40 years, Logibec has been developing technological solutions for the healthcare network. The company specializes in providing solutions for clinical, financial and material management, performance and analysis, as well as workforce management, including payroll management. Innovation is at the heart of Logibec's activities, in partnership with the healthcare network, in order to respond to the most important issues for the well-being of patients and all stakeholders in the healthcare field.

Émilyse Roy, Digital Marketing Manager at Logibec, talks about their transition to HubSpot and how the platform helps them refine their digital strategy through accurate data analysis.


What HubSpot hubs are you using ?

We work with Hub Marketing and HubSpot CMS. We use a Skyvia plug-in to synchronize qualified leads (SQLs) with our Microsoft Dynamic CRM used by the sales team. We have just completed the bi-directional communication between the two systems to track opportunities on HubSpot.


Why did you turn to HubSpot?

First, the goal was to track marketing campaign efforts, build automated content workflows to bring our campaigns to life, and collect quality data. All this to build automated qualification processes to define qualified leads to pass on to sales.

With HubSpot, we were able to create different lead qualification criteria for our target products to properly segment their lifecycle in the pipeline. Based on these criteria, we created different qualification workflows, whether it was to measure engagement, content viewing, or conversion potential. This segmentation also facilitated the assignment of qualified leads to sales, such as those from demo requests.

While this qualification management is strategically relevant, it is even more relevant to the contacts who are offered relevant content based on their fields of interest.

How do you get trained on HubSpot?

We mainly use the HubSpot knowledge base and the support of our partner Parkour3, which are two great sources of learning. For having used it in another professional role, HubSpot Academy is also a very relevant tool, we just need to find a place for it in our busy daily lives!


What do you think is HubSpot's greatest strength?

For me, it's all about customizable lists and properties. Used in combination with different rules and workflows, they can embody a powerful process for data segmentation and analysis.


How did the adaptation and adoption unfold internally?

Hubspot is really an important tool for marketing. We were starting from scratch and were excited to take this step.

That said, this tool was not unknown to some of us either. And for the rest of us, it was a joy to be able to use such a comprehensive tool to automate both our processes and our marketing campaigns. Not to mention that our great team is very attentive to technological trends to optimize the way we work. With Parkour3's support, the team's rigor and efficiency, the adaptation and appropriation were done without realizing it!

Moreover, the choice to keep Microsoft Dynamics as our CRM and to use a plug-in to report information allowed us to avoid the complexity of adaptation and appropriation for the sales and service teams. The goal was to ensure that the marketing team had the tools they needed to properly execute digital strategies by linking with the sales team without completely changing their own established processes.

Have you seen any new growth opportunities?

Of course, we are constantly optimizing our segmentation through various automation workflows. HubSpot has allowed us to not only achieve our initial goals, but also to modify some of our automated qualification processes and criteria. As a result, we not only have more accurate data, but also forecasting of growth actions at the enterprise level. It becomes not only an execution tool, but also a strategic tool.

It's partly due to the great work of our marketing team that we're so far ahead today with HubSpot compared to just over a year ago.

How does HubSpot help you align sales and marketing?

The platform helps us segment qualified leads so they can be quickly processed by sales. While all inquiries are important, this qualification allows sales to be responsive, and also allows us in marketing to measure whether our campaigns are reaching the right audiences and converting.

How does the tool support you in your efforts to increase your company's visibility?

We have launched marketing campaigns and collected conversion data around our campaigns. As mentioned above, HubSpot is an automation tool for us, and this visibility complements other efforts, including Google Ads and social media campaigns, to drive qualified traffic to our website.

What is the feature you enjoy and use most within the platform?

Automation workflows, both for lead nurturing and lead segmentation and qualification. This segmentation is useful for us, but it is also useful for the contacts involved, so that they receive content that they really like, without feeling overly solicited.


What is the missing functionality of the platform for you?

There are some limitations to configuring reports. For example, it's difficult to work with specific lists without having a view of all the lists. Or, you have to work in Google Analytics alongside HubSpot to find more generic data such as awareness. If you're considering HubSpot to optimize your marketing strategy, we've put together a white paper to guide you through the process: Choosing HubSpot: 40 reasons to adopt this CRM platform.