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Marketers' favorite features - Parkour3

Written by Rayann Hibri | Aug 6, 2024 7:12:31 PM

When it comes to running a successful business, marketers need a host of tools to track leads, develop their customer base and measure their success. That's where HubSpot comes in, an all-in-one marketing platform that offers a range of powerful tools to help you effectively manage your marketing activities. Since its inception in 2006, HubSpot has been adopted by thousands of marketers worldwide and has become a key industry player.

In this article, we'll explore HubSpot's most popular features and explain why this platform is so important for today's marketing professionals.

Customer relationship management tools

HubSpot offers an integrated customer relationship management (CRM) system that enables marketers to track their entire sales pipeline and easily manage interactions with prospects and customers.

HubSpot CRM features include:

  • Contact organization and tracking: CRM enables marketers to store all information relating to their contacts, including contact information, activities, properties, associated companies, current deals and tasks.
  • Deal management: marketers can use CRM to track the progress of their deals, assign deals to team members, set sales targets and generate reports on sales performance.
  • Task automation: certain lead and customer follow-up tasks can be automated, such as sending follow-up emails, creating tasks and tracking interactions.
  • Customer engagement tracking and analysis: you can track customer engagement across the entire buying journey, from first contact through to conversion. This enables you to understand your customers' needs and interests and personalize their experience.
  • Improving internal communication: HubSpot CRM enables better communication between different team members, as it allows contact and deal information to be shared in real time. This offers more effective collaboration and better management of the entire sales pipeline.

Marketing automation tools

HubSpot offers powerful marketing automation features that let you create automated campaigns to generate leads, nurture customer relationships, and increase conversion.

HubSpot's marketing automation features include:

  • Workflows: workflows enable you to create automated sequences of actions based on visitors' actions on your website or their behavior in CRM. For example, you can automate the sending of welcome emails, reminders or sales offers based on the actions of your prospects.
  • Lead nurturing: HubSpot offers tools to nurture leads by automating the sending of personalized content based on each prospect's stage of maturity. This keeps leads engaged throughout their buying journey.
  • Marketing emails: the CRM also enables the creation of email campaigns, newsletters and personalized emails based on customer data collected in the software.
  • Landing pages: creating landing pages is simplified with HubSpot, and it's easy to track the performance of each page. It's also possible to customize content according to each visitor.

Content management tools

The CRM also offers management tools to help create and manage their content, including:

  • The Blog Editor: This tool makes it easy to create and publish blog posts, add images and videos, customize the layout and schedule publications.
  • Content Library: is ideal for storing and managing all your company's content, including blog posts, white papers, videos and images, and organizing them into categories.
  • SEO tools: they help optimize your content for search engines by suggesting keywords, checking content quality and providing recommendations to improve your SEO.
  • Content personalization tools: offer tailored content on your website based on your visitors' preferences and behaviors, providing a more relevant and engaging experience.

Social network management tools

HubSpot also provides access to social network management tools to help you manage your presence on important social platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram.

Key features include:

  • Planning and publishing messages across multiple social platforms
  • Tracking user engagement and mentions of your company
  • Monitoring competitor activity on social networks
  • Post and social account performance analysis

In conclusion, HubSpot's most popular features with marketers are numerous and have a significant impact on the performance of your marketing campaigns. Customer relationship management, marketing automation, content management and social networking tools offer powerful, integrated functionality to help you effectively manage your marketing strategy. The benefits of these tools include greater productivity, increased personalization, more accurate data and an improved customer experience. If you're looking to improve your marketing performance, you should consider using HubSpot to benefit from these popular and advanced features.