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HubSpot's prospecting tool: your ally in qualifying incoming leads - Parkour3

Written by Emilie Cals | Jul 30, 2024 6:38:38 PM

Qualifying a prospect represents a crucial step in transmitting quality leads to your sales team. Until now, HubSpot allowed you to use a contact's lifecycle and lead status to evaluate or discredit a contact's request. However, with the all-new prospecting functionality, you now have a dedicated tab within your HubSpot account to track leads for processing in a clearer and more legible way. With this prospecting tool, explore a comprehensive view of your prospecting activity. From managing upcoming tasks to in-depth analysis of your schedule and business development efforts, this feature offers an integrated experience designed to boost your productivity. Let's dive into this new feature designed to optimize your prospecting tasks and save you time every day.

1. Review your prospecting activity

The Summary tab provides a complete overview of all your prospecting activity, from upcoming and overdue tasks to scheduled meetings and sequence tasks.

In the Summary tab, you can examine:

  • Your tasks: all tasks due today or overdue, categorized by type. Click on the type for a detailed view of each task by type and the associated record. In this view, you can complete each task by clicking on the checkmark next to the task. At the top left, you can use the Task Type drop-down menu to change the view by task type or view all types at once.
  • Your schedule: your calendar for today. To see full details of a meeting, including virtual meeting links, click on the event. You can see your full schedule by clicking on the Schedule tab at the top of the page.

2. Track your leads

The lead tab of your prospecting tool, is here to allow you to track all incoming requests. Requests that come here are purely and simply potential new sales for your company. Note that leads, are a new object in HubSpot.

A new lead can be created in several ways:

  • By lifecycle: In the configuration section of your Lead object, you have the option of creating a lead automatically according to a contact's lifecycle.
  • By contact or company: Since leads are an object, when you're on a contact or company you can go to the right-hand section and click + in the Lead section. This way you'll be able to create a lead manually.
  • Through a workflow: Just like other HubSpot objects, you'll be able to create a lead through a workflow based on the criteria you've defined.

Once a lead is created, you'll see several pieces of information:

  • All your leads by lead phase: You define your phases in the lead object configuration section. They correspond to your qualification stages.
  • The priority level managed through labels
  • .
  • Lead name
  • The company associated with the lead: if you use the target account feature on your HubSpot account, you'll be able to see who the leads attached to target accounts are.

3. Qualify your leads

As previously stated, lead phrases are what will enable you to qualify your inbound leads.

Each of them has a specific meaning and purpose. Here, it's the "qualified" and "disqualified" phases that we're going to be particularly interested in.

The "qualified" and "disqualified" phases are the ones we're going to be focusing on.

By default, the "qualified" phase will allow you to directly create a transaction in your sales pipeline. The qualified lead will be attached to the transaction created, and you'll be able to track the progress of your transaction in the sales pipeline.

The "qualified" phase will allow you to create a transaction directly in your sales pipeline.

The "disqualified" phase will give you default access to your disqualification reasons, such as price too high, time to set up your services too long for the prospect etc. You can freely modify these reasons.

4. Track your sales performance

Thanks to the new prospecting functionality, you'll be able to measure 3 distinct axes:

  • The number of new contacts and/or companies created in HubSpot (depending on your analysis period)
  • The number of leads created and their evolution by phase (depending on your analysis period)
  • The number of transactions created and won after lead qualification (depending on your analysis period)

In summary, HubSpot's prospecting tool is an essential ally for qualifying inbound leads. It offers a clear view of prospecting activity, making it easy to manage tasks and meetings. The Lead tab tracks sales opportunities, with flexible lead creation. Qualification is simplified through the "qualified" and "disqualified" phases, offering transparent tracking of transactions.

The functionality enables sales performance to be measured, evaluating the number of new contacts, leads and transactions. In short, HubSpot optimizes prospecting, providing sales teams with a powerful way to qualify, track and optimize their sales pipeline.

The feature allows you to measure sales performance, evaluating the number of new contacts, leads and transactions.