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Manage your social media with HubSpot’s tool - Parkour3

Written by Cecilia Ndofunsu | Oct 25, 2022 4:00:00 AM

No matter the size of your company, building an active presence on social media offers great opportunities: grow a community, build customer loyalty, increase your brand awareness and much more.

But from creation to publishing and analysis, managing your social media can take a lot of time.

Many tools are available to simplify the management of your social media. Today I’m going to talk about the HubSpot tool. This tool helps me save precious time in managing Parkour3’s social media.

I would like to point out that this functionality is available with HubSpot’s Marketing Hub Professional and Enterprise.

Like other powerful solutions, it is possible to manage all of the following accounts from a single platform:


But HubSpot gives me so much more than that. The intuitiveness of the platform makes it much easier to plan and analyze the content that performs best.

Create and plan publications

To create your posts, just go to Marketing – Social Media. In 2 clicks I access my dashboard then I select Create Social post. When I write my post (which can be completed with emojis if you want to 🙂 ), I can duplicate it on another platform. HubSpot shows character limits to make optimization easier. The nice thing is that you can preview your posts to get a feel for what your followers will see in their news feed.

We know how important visuals are. When you add a link to an article, you have the possibility to change the image that is displayed and replace it with the one of your choice.

In order to have a long-term vision of your strategy, it is quite possible to plan your posts over the coming weeks or months. If you know that your target audience is more active on LinkedIn at a certain time or on a certain day of the week, you can plan your posts for that day/time. And then if you have no idea, HubSpot gives you suggestions for the best posting times.

Here’s a look at January’s calendar:

If I can share one tip, I highly recommend spending 1 hour on Friday afternoons planning your posts for the week than spending 20 minutes each day. That way, you spend more time engaging with your community.

In order to organize your posts in advance, you can use the bulk schedule feature by importing an excel or CSV file, you just have to select the dates, times of publication and the platform. This HubSpot article gives you all the details.

Finally, what’s really interesting is that you can link your publications to a campaign, the same campaign that you use for your landing pages or other types of content. You will therefore be able to directly measure the effectiveness of your campaigns.

See the interactions around your posts

The Monitor tab tracks all the activities related to your posts. This means conversations, comments, likes, retweets and new subscribers. You have the list of your new subscribers and you can access their profile within the HubSpot platform. Very handy for responding directly to comments.

Measure the performance of your posts

Once your posts are out on your social media channels, it is wise to track their performance. With any good marketing strategy, analyzing the data is beneficial to the overall growth of your business.

For that, I use the analytics tool. Regardless of the social media channel, I can access data quickly on our performance and get accurate reports.

Here are the metrics that can be analyzed:

  • The audience
  • The number of publications published
  • Interactions
  • Clicks
  • Shares
  • Number of impressions
  • Sessions

Thanks to the graphs, you can easily evaluate the impact of social activity on your website sessions and on your new contacts. It is very useful if you are looking to generate leads via this channel. You can use filters to select a particular time period. In this HubSpot article you can find all possible reports on social media.

So, are your social media efforts paying off?

From content creation to performance tracking, it’s beneficial to have the right tools to increase your productivity.

And by making the most of the tool, the return on investment may surprise you pleasantly (whether in terms of opportunities or awareness).

If you haven’t already done so, I recommend organizing your posts in a content calendar that you can create yourself. If you want to start from a template, this free social media content calendar from HubSpot will surely inspire you.

As a Diamond Certified Partner, Parkour3 can support you in deploying your Inbound marketing strategy with HubSpot software.