In this video, Émilie, HubSpot expert at Parkour3, explains how the sales pipeline works in HubSpot, a key Sales Hub tool. She guides us through the various features of this platform and shows us how to get the most out of the pipeline to effectively manage your sales.
What is HubSpot and its Sales Hub?
Before diving into the details, Émilie briefly reminds us what HubSpot is. It's a complete CRM that brings together tools for sales, marketing and customer service management, as well as CMS (Content Management System) functionality. HubSpot works with a system of objects and properties. The most common objects are contacts, companies and transactions, while properties are used to store information associated with these objects.
Today's focus is on the Sales Hub, and more specifically on the Sales Pipeline, a key functionality of this platform.
The sales pipeline: a central tool for managing your opportunities
The sales pipeline is the central element of HubSpot's Sales Hub. Émilie shows us that its main role is to track and manage the progress of your transactions, from the first step right through to closing the deal. The aim is to progress each opportunity step by step, right up to closing, whether you win the deal or decide to lose it.
In the HubSpot interface, the sales pipeline is displayed from left to right. The first column on the left represents the initial stage, and the column on the right shows the final stage. Each transaction can thus progress through different stages, and Emilie explains how information can be updated as the process unfolds.
Transaction details in HubSpot
To fully understand how a transaction works in HubSpot, Émilie shows us a concrete example. In the view of each transaction, several items of information are available:
- Left: the transaction's basic information, such as the amount and closing date, which are two of the most important elements to track.
- Central view: all activities related to the transaction, such as e-mails exchanged, calls, tasks, meetings and notes.
- On the right: associations, such as the main contact, the company involved, quotes and product lines associated with the transaction.
Emilie emphasizes that everything in HubSpot is customizable, and that each company can adapt the information displayed to suit its needs.
Personalized sales pipeline
One of HubSpot's strengths, according to Emilie, is its flexibility. Indeed, you can customize each stage of the pipeline, whether to display specific information or to modify certain fields according to the needs of your sales team.
The amount and closing date are essential for any transaction, and it's crucial to update them regularly. HubSpot also allows you to add multiple currencies if you're working with international customers, giving you the flexibility to manage your sales on a global scale.
Move transactions forward
One of the most practical features of HubSpot's sales pipeline is the ability to track the progress of transactions from stage to stage. At each transition, HubSpot allows you to enter additional information, enabling the sales team to keep rigorous track.
For example, when you pass a transaction on to a new stage, HubSpot may ask you to fill in certain information fields or confirm those already entered. Émilie explains that this feature is particularly useful for companies who want to have precise control over every stage of the sales process.
Tracking and reporting
Another interesting feature is the ability to request specific information at each stage, providing precise data on why a transaction is won or lost. This can be particularly useful for refining your sales strategy and improving your processes over time.
HubSpot also offers an overview of all transactions, and you can filter according to different criteria, such as priorities or assigned users. This enables your team to focus on the most promising opportunities and track sales progress in a highly visual way.
Managing multiple pipelines and transaction probability
One of HubSpot's advanced features is the ability to create multiple sales pipelines. This can be useful for companies with several different types of sales process or products. Depending on your subscription level, you can configure multiple pipelines to better manage your opportunities.
Emilie explains that each phase of a pipeline can be associated with a probability of success, enabling future revenues to be estimated based on current transactions. This makes it possible to make medium- or long-term revenue projections, which is essential for any company that wants to anticipate its results.
Control and security: rules and approvals
HubSpot lets you add pipeline rules for even greater control over transactions. For example, you can choose whether a transaction can move from one phase to another, or even back, and who has the right to modify transaction information at certain stages. This feature is particularly useful for larger sales teams or when sensitive information is at stake.
Emilie also mentions that, depending on the HubSpot subscription level, it is possible to add approval processes for certain transactions. This ensures that a certain hierarchy or manager validates opportunities before they are advanced to the next stage.
HubSpot simplifies sales management
In conclusion, Émilie shows us that HubSpot's sales pipeline is a powerful and flexible tool, designed to simplify sales management. Thanks to a clear, intuitive interface, customization features and detailed tracking and reporting options, HubSpot enables sales teams to work more strategically and efficiently.
For those looking to improve their sales management, the sales pipeline in HubSpot is a must-have feature. And as Emilie points out, the aim is always to make the tool as practical and tailored as possible to the specific needs of each company.
If you'd like to find out more, or get help configuring your pipeline, don't hesitate to contact a HubSpot expert like Émilie at Parkour3!