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Prospecting with HubSpot: how to build a lead qualification strategy - Parkour3

Written by Emilie Cals | Aug 9, 2024 1:58:37 PM

In the world of marketing and sales, prospecting is a crucial stage in identifying and targeting potential leads. The effectiveness of this phase depends largely on the ability to qualify these leads, i.e. to determine their relevance and level of interest in your products or services.

That's where HubSpot comes in, a versatile platform that offers powerful tools for building an effective lead qualification strategy.

In this article, we'll explore how to build such a strategy using HubSpot's features.

Understanding lead qualification

Lead qualification goes beyond simply gathering information. It's about determining the likelihood of a lead turning into an actual customer. Leads can be classified into different categories according to their level of engagement and interest.

Cold leads are those showing little interest, lukewarm leads show some interest, while hot leads are those ready to make a purchase.

Understanding these distinctions is crucial to personalizing your interactions and follow-up efforts.

Qualification tools in HubSpot

HubSpot offers an array of tools to help you qualify your leads in an efficient and targeted way:

Segmentation:Use segmentation features to divide your leads into homogeneous groups based on specific criteria such as online behavior, demographics and past interactions.

This allows you to personalize your communications according to the characteristics of each segment.

Lead scoring: Lead scoring assigns a numerical value to each lead based on demographic and behavioral criteria. The more a lead matches your qualification criteria, the higher its score will be. 

Intelligent forms:Create intelligent forms that automatically adapt based on information already known about the lead. This allows you to collect additional data with each interaction, refining your understanding of each lead

Activity tracking:HubSpot lets you track your leads' online activity, including pages visited, emails opened and downloads made. This gives you insight into their interests and level of engagement.

Lead lifecycle and status: Thanks to lead lifecycle and status you'll be able to know what stage your lead is at and whether it's been qualified by the marketing or sales teams.

Step by step: building a lead qualification strategy

1. Define qualification criteria:Identify the specific characteristics that define a qualified lead for your company. This can include demographics, online behaviors and potential buying signals.

2. Set up a lead score: Establish a lead scoring system to award points based on interactions. Set a scoring threshold to determine when a lead is ready to be passed on to the sales team.

3. Create smart forms:Design smart forms to collect relevant information over time. Be sure to ask for specific information that helps you better understand the lead's interest and needs.

4. Adapt your contact lifecycle:Your lifecycle is an ally in knowing where your contact has reached and whether he or she has been qualified by the marketing or sales team, for example.


5. Modify or adapt your lead status: Lead status will help you know where you are in the process of qualifying your prospect, and so understand what your next steps will be. Use this information to define your qualification steps. Lead status can be modified in the settings > contact properties section of your HubSpot account.

6. Segment your database: Use the defined criteria to segment your database into distinct groups through lists or filtered views. This allows you to tailor your messages and offers to the needs of each segment.

7. Track and analyze: Monitor leads' online activity to gauge their engagement. Identify the most-visited pages, downloaded content and interactions with your emails.

You can also use your leads' online activity to monitor their engagement.

You can also use sales pipelines to create a pipeline that corresponds to each stage of your qualification. Here the sales pipeline would somewhat replace the lead status.

Monitoring your performance

Constantly monitor the results of your qualification strategy. Adjust qualification criteria and processes based on real-time data. To do this, you can create a dashboard that brings together reports that will help you in your analysis. Here are a few examples of reports to build:

  • Number of leads generated per week or month
  • Number of leads that have reached a certain scoring level
  • Number of leads that made it to a particular qualification stage
  • Number of qualified leads in relation to the number of leads generated

In conclusion, building a solid lead qualification strategy with HubSpot can greatly improve the efficiency of your prospecting process. By using segmentation tools, lead lifecycle and status, intelligent forms, activity tracking and scoring, you can personalize your interactions and focus your efforts on the most promising leads.

With HubSpot, you'll be able to offer your customers the best possible service.

With thoughtful implementation and ongoing monitoring, you're well positioned to optimize your sales process and convert more leads into satisfied customers.