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The impact of artificial intelligence on SEO and sales

Written by Mathieu Belanger | Oct 22, 2024 1:09:46 PM

The new SEO paradigm

The natural search engine optimization (SEO) landscape in 2024 is undergoing a profound transformation, propelled by artificial intelligence (AI). This technological revolution is no longer limited to simple algorithm changes or technical tweaks; it's redefining the very way search engines analyze and understand online content. For businesses and digital marketing professionals, this new reality represents both major challenges and considerable opportunities.

By leveraging AI, search engines no longer focus solely on keywords or backlinks. They now seek to capture context, intent and even linguistic nuances to better serve users. This evolution is redefining SEO best practices and pushing companies to reinvent their strategies to maximize their online visibility.

In this article, we'll explore the major transformations in SEO in 2024 and the different ways companies can adapt to these new dynamics to maintain their online competitiveness.


1. The evolution of search algorithms

Search engine algorithms have undergone a considerable technological leap forward with the introduction of advanced AI systems such as Google BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) and MUM (Multitask Unified Model). These technologies mark a clear break with traditional approaches based on mechanical keyword analysis.

1.1 A finer contextual understanding

Google BERT, for example, makes it possible to understand the meaning of words based on their context within a sentence. This means that algorithms no longer focus solely on keywords in isolation, but interpret the relationship between words to capture the nuances of the user query.

Example: If a user searches for "How to plant roses in autumn?", Google BERT not only understands that the user is interested in gardening, but also grasps that the search focuses on seasonality and the specifics associated with this period.

1.2 MUM: multitasking AI

The MUM algorithm goes one step further. It is capable of simultaneously processing text, images and videos, and understanding multiple languages. This enables Google to answer complex queries by aggregating data from multiple formats and sources.

Example: Someone planning a trip to Japan might ask "What's the best time to visit Tokyo?", and MUM could provide weather information, English-language articles and Japanese-language videos to offer a comprehensive, contextualized answer.

1.3 Implications for SEO

This advance obliges SEO professionals to produce rich, well-structured and relevant content that doesn't just incorporate keywords, but addresses the deep and varied needs of users. It's essential to design articles and pages that address specific intentions while providing added value and clear expertise.

2. Advanced personalization of search results

With the rise of artificial intelligence, the personalization of search results has reached a new level of sophistication. Search engines no longer simply display the same results to all users; they adjust responses according to numerous individual factors.

2.1 Behavioral analysis and geolocation

AI uses contextual data such as browsing history, geographical location, user preferences and even time of day to suggest more relevant search results. For example, a user searching for "vegetarian restaurants" in Paris will see results tailored to their location and search habits.

2.2 Seasonality and behavioral trends

AI is able to predict and adapt to seasonal variations in search behavior. For example, in autumn, searches for winter coats and accessories increase, and search engines automatically adjust results to reflect this trend.

2.3 Dynamic and adaptive content

Faced with this growing personalization, companies need to produce dynamic content capable of adapting to different contexts and audiences. The use of adaptive or customizable content is becoming a central strategy for capturing varied audiences, depending on their location or online behavior.

3. The emergence of content intelligence

The Content Intelligence is a new approach that combines predictive analysis of user behavior with automatic optimization technologies to create better-performing content.

3.1 Real-time performance analysis

Artificial intelligence systems can continuously analyze content performance, identify emerging keywords and topics, and recommend strategic adjustments. With tools like MarketMuse or Frase, marketers can see which parts of their content are performing well and which need improvement.

3.2 Automatic content optimization

AI algorithms don't just analyze data; they propose automatic optimizations. They are able to suggest changes in titles, descriptions or even page structure to improve SEO. They also identify gaps in content, suggesting themes or questions to address to meet specific search intentions.

4. Intelligent automation of SEO processes

AI's ability to automate complex and time-consuming tasks is fundamentally changing the way SEO professionals manage their campaigns.

4.1 Automating SEO audits

AI can automate technical audits of websites. Tools like SEMrush and Ahrefs use AI to detect indexing problems, markup errors or even slow loading times. This enables SEO specialists to correct problems upstream and optimize site performance more effectively.

4.2 Predictive optimization

Thanks to AI, it's now possible to predict the performance of SEO strategies based on the evolution of algorithms. For example, some AI tools can estimate the impact of Google algorithm updates on a particular site, enabling companies to adapt their strategy even before the changes are deployed.

4.3 Link campaign optimization

Backlink campaigns also benefit from automation. AI is able to identify relevant backlink opportunities and recommend link acquisition strategies based on past performance and current industry trends.

5. Multimodal SEO and new search formats

Artificial intelligence is pushing SEO towards a multimodal approach, where voice, visual and text searches converge to create a more fluid and diverse user experience.

5.1 Voice SEO

With the explosion of voice assistants (Alexa, Siri, Google Assistant), voice search is becoming a crucial part of SEO. Voice queries tend to be longer and more conversational, forcing companies to optimize their content for natural phrases and frequent questions.

5.2 Visual SEO

Image and video search is gaining momentum, and AI is helping to better interpret these visual formats. For example, Google Lens allows users to search for products or places based on a simple image, and MUM improves Google's ability to provide relevant results based on this visual search.

6. Artificial intelligence in content creation

AI is redefining the way companies create content, offering automated solutions while optimizing the efficiency of the process.

6.1 AI-assisted content generation

Tools such as GPT-4, Jasper AI, or can quickly generate blog posts, product descriptions or even newsletters. These tools don't replace copywriters, but they considerably speed up the creative process by automating repetitive tasks.

6.2 Real-time optimization

AI tools also analyze content performance in real time, providing instant recommendations for improving titles, descriptions or visual elements. Continuous optimization keeps up with changing user trends and expectations.

7. AI-based conversion optimization

AI is also transforming the way companies optimize their conversion rates (CRO). By analyzing visitor behavior in real time, AI dynamically adjusts web page elements to maximize conversions.

7.1 Customized adaptation of landing pages

AI can customize landing pages for different audience segments by automatically adjusting titles, images or calls to action according to user behavior.

7.2 Automated A/B testing

A/B tests, which compare different versions of a page to determine which generates the most conversions, are now automated thanks to AI. Rather than manually running tests and waiting several weeks for results, AI can run and analyze multiple page versions simultaneously in real time. It automatically adjusts the best-performing elements, optimizing conversion rates on an ongoing basis.

7.3 Predictive analysis to optimize user journeys

Thanks to machine learning models, AI can predict which user path is most likely to convert a visitor into a customer. Depending on user behavior on the site (clicks, time spent on a page, browsing history), AI is able to offer content suggestions or guide users to specific pages with the highest conversion potential.

8. Challenges and opportunities for SEO professionals

The growing integration of artificial intelligence into SEO offers immense opportunities, but it also comes with complex challenges for industry professionals. As algorithms evolve, SEO experts must constantly adjust their methods and acquire new skills to stay relevant.

8.1 The need for ongoing training

AI not only disrupts traditional SEO techniques, it also demands more technical skills. SEO professionals now need to understand concepts such as machine learning, natural language processing (NLP) and data optimization. They also need to know how to use AI-based tools to improve their performance.

Companies must therefore invest in ongoing training for their SEO teams to keep them up to date with the latest technological innovations and tools. The SEO experts who succeed in this new environment will be those who master both the technical skills associated with AI and the fundamentals of natural search.

8.2 Finding the balance between automation and creativity

Although AI can automate a large proportion of SEO tasks, human creativity remains essential to produce engaging, relevant and unique content. Automation should not replace human expertise, but rather complement it. SEO professionals must learn to use AI as a tool to help them achieve their goals faster, while retaining creative control over content.

One of the big challenges lies in not becoming too dependent on automation. Specialists need to ensure that their content is authentic, relevant and genuinely oriented towards their users' needs, without losing the creativity and human touch that make their brand unique.

8.3 Managing algorithmic uncertainty

Updates to search engine algorithms are always a source of uncertainty. Artificial intelligence is accelerating this trend with increasingly frequent and complex algorithm modifications. This can make it difficult to predict the impact on a site's rankings. SEO experts must therefore adopt an agile approach, being ready to quickly adjust their strategies in line with algorithmic evolutions.

9. Future prospects and strategic recommendations

The future of SEO is intimately linked to artificial intelligence. The companies that succeed in capitalizing on this transformation will be those that take a proactive approach to AI, while maintaining a user-centric strategy and authentic creativity.

9.1 Invest in AI while remaining human-centric

Although AI can offer significant efficiency gains, it's crucial to maintain a balance between automation and human interaction. Companies must continue to create content that emotionally resonates with their audience and meets real user needs. AI can help optimize and personalize these efforts, but it should never be used to replace human expertise.

9.2 Adopt an agile and experimental approach

SEO optimization shouldn't be set in stone. Marketing professionals must adopt an agile approach, constantly testing new ideas and adjusting their strategies according to the results obtained. Search engine algorithms change frequently, and companies that remain flexible and ready to evolve with these changes will remain competitive.

9.3 Interdisciplinary collaboration

The rise of AI in SEO means closer collaboration between different disciplines: data experts, digital marketers and content creators need to work together to maximize results. For example, data scientists can help interpret the results of predictive analytics and provide actionable insights to marketers and copywriters.

9.4 Ongoing training and technology watch

The world of SEO is evolving at breakneck speed, largely due to innovations in AI. It's therefore essential for industry professionals to constantly keep abreast of the latest trends and technologies. Participating in training courses, reading case studies and attending conferences on AI and SEO will enable experts to hone their expertise and stay at the forefront of innovation.

A synergy between AI and human expertise

Artificial intelligence is redefining the SEO landscape, creating an environment where automation, personalization and predictive analysis are becoming key success factors. However, human expertise remains more important than ever to understand and interpret user intent, create engaging content and maintain authentic relationships with audiences.

Bref, companies that manage to strike a balance between AI and human creativity will dominate search results and achieve their goals more effectively. The key is to view AI not as a mere automation tool, but as a catalyst for growth, amplifying human efforts and helping to achieve unparalleled levels of performance in SEO and digital marketing.