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Optimize your website’s SEO with HubSpot - Parkour3

Written by William Bujold | Oct 26, 2021 4:00:00 AM
  • 1.78 billion websites
  • 5.5 billion searches on Google per day
  • 10 results available on the first page of a search engine

What if I asked you the following question:

When was the last time you did a Google search on a page other than the first one?

I'm pretty sure you wouldn't be able to answer. In fact, I'm convinced you probably never did. Why? Because when we search the Web, we want our answer instantly. As a user, our reflex is to choose from the first three choices of sites that our search triggers.

This is obviously why paid search (SEM) via Google Ads positions you at the top of the results page. With ten spots available on the first page of Google, you can understand that there is a lot of competition! Competitors from different industries are fighting it out to get into the top ten positions to generate your clicks.

First and foremost, what is SEO?

SEO, which stands for Search Engine Optimization, is a strategic process that allows you to generate traffic on your website via search engines. The main difference between SEO and SEA is that you will not be charged by Google for a click. Indeed, a good SEO strategy will allow a good positioning on search engines without having to spend a single penny from your pocket on Google Ads. Several factors are important to obtain a good referencing on the Web. From site speed to meta descriptions to keyword density, the process of achieving good SEO can sometimes seem complex. Good SEO doesn't happen by snapping your fingers either. More often than not, it's the result of several efforts invested in your digital strategy. Sometimes, it's even efforts that have been in place for several years, hence the importance of doing 301 redirects on your website properly. You don't want to lose everything!

Optimize your SEO on HubSpot

The SEO Audit

In the CMS Hub of your HubSpot CRM platform, you have the opportunity to link your website to the platform in order to get analytics on it. SEO being a more than important variable for a website or a landing page, the platform will perform an audit, commonly called "crawl". You will see the number of pages analyzed as well as the number of SEO problems detected. HubSpot will of course list the pages affected by these problems, as well as the intensity of the impact on SEO and the technical difficulty. The higher the difficulty, the more complex the modification to be made will be and will require changes in the programming or in the site code.

The Performance

One of the important variables in SEO is the performance of the site in terms of loading speed. Your users expect optimal page downloads so they don't have to wait too long for information. There is nothing more frustrating than thinking that your Wi-Fi connection is the problem when in the end, it is really the site that is causing you problems. HubSpot makes sure to offer recommendations from Google Lighthouse to optimize the speed of your web platform. For example, they may recommend compressing some images that may be heavy, or even redesigning the format of some of them just to improve the user experience. These details can sometimes be major determinants of good or bad SEO. Just like the audit, HubSpot will let you know the technical difficulty and intensity of the impact on SEO.

The variables that can be optimized using HubSpot

When you use the creation tool on the platform or the CMS, you will be able to create landing pages or websites that will need to be referenced. You can optimize several SEO elements. Here are the most important ones:

Meta descriptions This is an HTML element of about 150 characters that summarizes the content of your pages by positioning the strategic keywords.

Alternative text This element concerns the images included in your page or on your website. An alternative text will summarize what you see on the image in order to get a good referencing on Google Images. This referencing on Google Images will influence your overall SEO. To write a quality alt text, you need to be simple, concise and make sure to describe the image to be able to view it.

Hn tags The H1 tag is the main title of one of your main pages. This is a very important element for SEO as Google gives the most importance to this tag. Always remember to include your main keyword in your H1! As a Diamond Certified Partner, we help you deploy your Inbound marketing strategy with HubSpot software. To find out why you should choose HubSpot, we recommend you read the following article: Choosing HubSpot: 40 reasons to adopt this CRM platform.